Shortcut Academy

The concepts of the Shortcut Academy have been developed and applied in Leadership and Organizational Development Programs throughout the world, in Europa, the US, Canada, Brasil, Chile, South Africa, India, China, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, South Korea, Thailand, Vietnam and Australia. With people from almost all nations of the world. It connects all cultures.

The Execution Challenge

You want to strive forward, empower your workforce and execute your strategies as fast as you can. What you sometimes get are concerns, habits, resistance and low impact. In international markets fast execution is the key to growth. It depends on the intelligence and adaptability of your workforce. It depends on connecting brains and making decisions. Everyday. The fast lane to accomplish this is by applying two complimenting strategies at the same time. Establishing a spirit of co-creation and building a state of fearless tackling and removing the ever-present execution blocker.

The Shortcut Faculty

Globally present lecturers, coaches and consultants, all experienced in former senior management positions with decades of training expertise in all regions of the world build and form your Shortcut Academy. We share our experience in extremely practical and case-based ways. Challenging scenarios with uncertain outcomes are our field of action for you and your direct reports. Avoid costly and annoying detours and connect your people to unleash the game changing power of your organization.